February 2023 Equipment and Testing Updates

MGI Melles Griot Oxberry Cine Film Recorder Lens

New Lenses:

MGI Melles Griot f/4 film recorder lens
Notes: Arriving this week.

MGI Melles Griot Oxberry Cine Film Recorder Lens
Notes: Arriving this week.

Lasergraphics High MTF lens Type 715-027
Notes: Arriving this week. This is a new MTF lens

New Pages:

Plustek OpticFilm 8100 Lens Test
Note: 90% finished.

New Test Page in Progress:

50mm Lens Test 2023

  • Beseler HD 50mm f/2.8

  • Lasergraphics High-MTF 50mm f/3.7 scanner lens

  • Leitz Wetzlar Photar 50mm f/4 (version II)macro Lens

  • Linos Rodagon 50mm f/2.8

  • Rodenstock Rodagon 50mm f/2.8

  • Rodenstock Rodagon-P 50mm f/2.8 lens

  • Rodenstock APO-Rodagon-N 50mm f/2.8 lens

  • Schneider APO Componon 45mm f/4 Macro Iris Line Scan Lens

  • Schneider Componon-S 50mm f/2.8 Macro Iris Line Scan Lens

  • Schneider Componon-S 50mm f/4 fixed aperture Lens

  • Schneider M-Componon 50mm f/4 Macro Lens

  • Tominon E36 MC 48mm f4 Printing lens

  • Tominon 50mm f/4.5 macro lens

Notes: all shooting and image processing finished. Some surprising results.

Pages in Progress:

Polaroid-SprintScan 120 Scanner Lens page
Note: 90% finished

Nikon LS-3510 AF scanner lens page
Notes: 90% finished

Lasergraphics High MTF Scanner lens page
Note: 95% finished.

Printing-Nikkor 1x Test: Ultimate Edition

  • Nikon Printing-Nikkor 150mm F2.8 Float Ring

  • Nikon Printing-Nikkor 150mm F2.8 Early

  • Nikon Printing-Nikkor 150mm F2.8 IMAX

  • Nikon Printing-Nikkor 105mm F2.8

  • Nikon Printing-Nikkor 105mm F2.8A

Note: Total of eight PN lenses! Shooting complete

Makro-Symmar 5.6/180 lens page
Note: 90% finished.

Moritex F90C lens page
Note: page started

Sigma 105 Art Macro lens page
Note: lens is in the office

Laowa 100mm 2x APO lens page
Note: lens is in the office

Rayfact MJ90 4/90 0.05x - 0.5x line scan lens page
Note: lens is in the office