This Just In: 16K Line Scan Camera + Makro-Symmar 120

Over the years I’ve picked up line scan lenses that happened to come with the entire camera assembly. This can be a cost effective way to pick up lens accessories like the unifoc (focus mount) and adapters. In this case I was only interested in the Makro-Symmar but this time I did receive some extras in the process. The Makro-Symmar 5.9/120 is one of my all time favorite lenses and I do not have this model, the 0061, which is optimized for 0.33x.

This model 16K camera is from 2018 this model is now obsolete but it’s still interesting to see in person. That large extension tube at the rear? That’s not 62mm or even 72mm, but 95mm. It has to clear the sensor which is whopping 82 mm across.

Parts list from front to rear:

MidOpt 40.5mm SP644 (purple) Near-IR/MId-Red Dichroic Block Shortpass Filter
MidOpt 40.5mm LB120 (blue) Light Balancing Filter (Minus Red)
Schneider Makro-Symmar 5.9/120 0.33x
Schneider 25mm V38 makro extension
Schneider V38 / M39 adapter
Schneider Unifoc 58mm (focus mount)
Schneider M58 x 075 / M95 x 1 adapter
Schneider Extension M95 x 50mm (tube)
Teledyne e2v UNiiQA 16k-Monochrome line scan camera

Questions or comments, feel free to send me a message.