On September 27th Qioptiq quietly released a new high-resolution lens design. The LINOS d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 specs look fantastic, high-resolution, strict chromatic aberration control over a big image circle for sensors up to 3.5µm. This is the only new high-end lens design that I can remember in the last couple of years!
Ultra fine resolution lens
Fast f/2.8 maximum aperture
Extra large 62mm image circle
Designed for sensors down to 3.5µm pixel pitch
Precision alignment for consistent performance
LINOS d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 Lens
The lens is targeted at industrial optical inspection, quality control including PCB and print inspection, sorting applications, as well as 3-D measurement using 16K/3.5µm line scan and area scan sensors.
The inspec.x L 4/100 lens, which happens to cover the same magnification range but is one stop slower than the HR-M, has been discontinued by Qioptiq. The HR-M line also lists a 50mm HR-M so this new lens could replace the inspec.x L 4/60 at some point in the future. FYI, I happen to have two inspec.x L 4/60 lenses here in the office for an upcoming test.
The new LINOS d.fine HR-M lens series will be in the Excelitas’ booth at the VISION 2022 machine vision industry trade show coming up on October 4 - 6, in Stuttgart, Germany.
Qioptiq.com Links For More Info
d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 0.2x 0703-146-000-20
d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 0.09x 0703-146-000-30
Two 80mm HR-M versions are available now on the Qioptiq site, including one for mag=0.2x and one for 0.09x. See the lens data sheet links below.
PDF Lens Data Sheet Links
d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 0.2x datasheet (PDF)
d.fine HR-M 2.8/80 0.09x datasheet (PDF)
The official Excelitas press release
Sometime next year I hope to borrow an HR-M lens from Qioptiq for a studio and in-the-field test.
Any questions or comments? Send me a message.